mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

Uomini e luoghi comuni, moda d'inverno e il meglio delle star

MSN NL Novembre 2013
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Il meglio di MSN Italia
Dieci luoghi comuni da sfatare sugli uomini, soprattutto sul sesso!
Le star osano con il nude look Cappotto colorato: ecco la passione dell'inverno Lo stile semplice e fresco di Michelle Hunziker Le star migliorate col tempo: più belli oggi di vent'anni fa
#msnrisponde Scarica gratis
#msnrisponde: che cos'è il Scarica gratis lo screensaver con le foglie d'autunno per il tuo computer
Da non perdere Oroscopo del giorno
BING FOOD & DRINK, che APP! Scopri l'applicazione di cucina e non solo su Windows 8
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Webinar: Producing High-Resolution Blu-ray Audio

Sony Creative Software

Save 35% on the Audiophile's Choice Bundle! view online
Producing High-Resolution Blu-ray Audio

Producing High-Resolution Blu-ray Audio
Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. central time Convert to your time zone

Learn how to create the ultimate listening experience with our Audiophile's Choice Bundle. In this webinar we'll demonstrate mastering your music files with the Audio Master Suite, creating albums and compilations with interactive menus and artwork in DVD Architect™ Studio 5.0, and, finally, burning to Blu-ray disc to achieve full-on 24-bit/192kHz high-resolution stereo and surround sound audio. If you have high-resolution audio files on your hard drive, or a vinyl collection waiting to be digitized, this webinar will provide the info you need to get more from your music.

Special Offer: Audiophile's Choice Bundle
Get all the products on display in this webinar with our limited-time Audiophile's Choice Bundle. This bundle includes the Audio Master Suite (Sound Forge™ Pro 11, SpectraLayers™ Pro 2, and more) and DVD Architect™ Pro. Buy the bundle and save 35% off* the normal price. Already own one of these products? Get the other at 30% off*. Offer ends December 31, 2013.

Audiophile's Choice Bundle
Save 35% on the
Audiophile's Choice Bundle

Audio Master Suite
Save 30% on
Audio Master Suite*

DVD Architect Pro
Save 30% on
DVD Architect Pro*

*Offer available November 25 - December 31, 2013 when purchasing directly from Sony Creative Software via links in this email. Offer cannot be applied to previous purchases and cannot be combined with other promotional offers. Qualifying serial number required for upgrade pricing. Pricing displayed in US Dollars. Customers outside the US may be charged in local currency.

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