giovedì 15 maggio 2014

Re: Incentivi auto, Scadenze 730, A Ferrara per Tutto un ALTRO Festival!

ALTROCONSUMO - Il tuo punto di forza
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picto01 Auto ed incentivi - Automobili
Tornano gli incentivi per auto elettriche ed ibride

picto01 Scadenze 730 - Imposte e tasse
Ultimi giorni per la presentazione della dichiarazione dei redditi

picto01 News certificato medico - Salute
Certificato medico ed attività sportiva

picto01 Altroconsumo a Ferrara - Eventi Altroconsumo
Seconda edizione di Ferrara Altroconsumo Festival

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lunedì 12 maggio 2014

Just Cavalli, Vendita D&G e Silex martedì 13 maggio su

Just Cavalli, Vendita D&G e Silex martedì 13 maggio su
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Ti invita alle sue prossime vendite...
Just Cavalli
Gioielli e orologi di stile per lei e per lui…
Da martedì 13 mag. (7:00) al 18 mag. (8:00)
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Vendita D&G
Una collezione elegante per lei e per lui...
Da martedì 13 mag. (7:00) al 18 mag. (8:00)
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Pentole di qualità per la tua cucina…
Da martedì 13 mag. (7:00) al 17 mag. (8:00)
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In questo momento sul sito
Una collezione elegante e di classe per lei...
Da giovedì 8 mag. (7:00) al 13 mag. (6:00)
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Hogan Eyewear
Occhiali raffinati per lui e per lei…
Da lunedì 12 mag. (7:00) al 17 mag. (8:00)
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Gusto fresco e sbarazzino per la moda dei più piccoli…
Da martedì 6 mag. (7:00) al 11 mag. (8:00)
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Alberto Guardiani
Scarpe eleganti e casual per lei e per lui…
Da sabato 10 mag. (9:00) al 15 mag. (6:00)
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Qualità e fantasia per le calzature dei più piccoli...
Da sabato 10 mag. (9:00) al 15 mag. (6:00)
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Bande Annonce
Calvin Klein Home
Biancheria raffinata per il letto ed il bagno...
Da lunedì 12 mag. (7:00) al 16 mag. (6:00)
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Prosecco Nino Franco
L'essenza del Prosecco…
Da mercoledì 7 mag. (7:00) al 13 mag. (6:00)
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Made For Loving
L'abbigliamento donna di tendenza per un'estate colorata...
Da sabato 10 mag. (9:00) al 15 mag. (6:00)
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Borse e portafogli trendy e femminili...
Da lunedì 12 mag. (7:00) al 16 mag. (6:00)
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Boxeur des Rues
Tutto il necessario per la tua boxe…
Da giovedì 8 mag. (7:00) al 13 mag. (6:00)
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Occhiali da sole tecnici per tutta la famiglia…
Da sabato 10 mag. (9:00) al 15 mag. (6:00)
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Bande Annonce
Articoli di design per la casa...
Da sabato 10 mag. (9:00) al 15 mag. (6:00)
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domenica 11 maggio 2014

Re: Instapaper Weekly

Instapaper Weekly
The week's most popular stories
Saturday May 10, 2014
Be a Better Leader by Learning to Learn
As technology, software, and the impact each has on the world continues to evolve at a rapid pace, how can anyone stay ahead of the curve? The Build Network looked to a 1986 Harvard study for an answer to that question and found that to be a better leader you need to learn how to learn: It's all about with whom - rather than how - you learn.
Friday May 9, 2014
Mapping The International Availability of Entertainment Services
It is 2014 and we live in a rapidly globalizing world. Unfortunately, that is not always apparent from the technology press, which focuses primarily on developments in the US. That is not meant as a slight against others who write about technology -- it is just the reality.
Thursday May 8, 2014
Masala Dosa to Die For
Saravana Bhavan doesn't look like a house of secrets. Its dining room at the corner of Lexington Avenue and 26th Street is clean and bright and often attracts a line out front.
Wednesday May 7, 2014
Tumblr declares war on the internet's identity crisis
What's a profile if it looks like everybody else's? Tumblr founder David Karp thinks a lot about the web as it was 15 years ago. A web filled with blinking words, Shockwave Flash, and GeoCities pages packed to the brim with clip art.
Tuesday May 6, 2014
Just How Game-Changing Was That Big Revelation on Game of Thrones?
Spencer Kornhaber, Christopher Orr, and Amy Sullivan discuss the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Orr: Well, that was satisfying. As the world's preeminent hater of the Locke character-this side of Jaime Lannister, at least-I was of course delighted to see the nonsensical Bolton vassal shuffle off his mortal coil.
Monday May 5, 2014
Lizzie Widdicombe: Could Soylent Replace Food?
Soylent, a synthetic food product, is made from raw chemical components; its formula accounts for all the major food groups. Rob Rhinehart, Soylent's creator, says, "It's kind of an over-all food substitute. In theory, you could live on this entirely. In fact, you'd be pretty healthy."
Sunday May 4, 2014
The Best Time of Day to Do Just About Anything
S From avoiding crowds to taking advantage of your body's natural rhythms, there's a best time of day to do just about anything. Here's a list of some of the best. We've shared many of these "optimal times" over the years, but we though it'd be cool to round them all up into a list, sorted by time, from the beginning of the day.